How to Set Up Your Workstation to Prevent Neck Strain: Solutions for Tech Neck and Text Neck

How to Set Up Your Workstation to Prevent Neck Strain: Solutions for Tech Neck and Text Neck

Jun 3, 2024

In the digital age, where screens dominate our lives, many of us fall prey to the discomfort and pain associated with "Tech Neck" or "Text Neck." This phenomenon occurs when you strain your neck due to improper posture while using computers and mobile devices. Not only can this lead to chronic pain, but it can also affect your productivity and overall well-being. Here’s how you can set up your workstation to combat these modern ailments and introduce a technological ally—Hunched, an innovative iOS app designed to help.

1. Adjust Your Screen Height and Distance

The position of your screen plays a crucial role in maintaining proper neck posture. Ensure that the top of your computer screen is at eye level. If you're using a laptop, consider investing in a laptop stand or use books to elevate the screen to the recommended height. Your screen should also be about an arm’s length away. This setup helps in keeping your head and neck in a neutral position, reducing strain.

2. Invest in an Ergonomic Chair

An ergonomic chair supports your spine's natural curve, which is vital for reducing neck strain. Look for a chair with adjustable height, backrest, and armrests to ensure it fits your body correctly. The goal is to sit with your feet flat on the floor, knees slightly lower than your hips, and arms at the same height as the desk. This prevents you from hunching over your keyboard.

3. Practice Proper Keyboard and Mouse Placement

Your keyboard and mouse should be positioned so that when typing or navigating, your elbows are close to your body and your arms form a 90-degree angle. This positioning helps avoid reaching out, which often leads to hunching forward and thus, straining the neck.

4. Take Regular Breaks

Taking short breaks every 30 minutes to stretch and change position can significantly reduce the risk of developing neck pain. Simple neck stretches and shoulder shrugs can increase blood circulation and relieve tension in the neck muscles.

5. Use the Hunched App

Hunched is a powerful iOS app specifically designed to combat Tech Neck. The app uses your device’s angulation to monitor your posture in real time. When you start to slouch or hunch over your device, Hunched sends a gentle reminder to adjust your posture. This proactive approach not only helps in alleviating neck strain but also promotes long-term healthy posture habits.

6. Monitor Your Lighting

Poor lighting can cause you to lean closer to your screen, straining your neck. Make sure your workspace is well-lit, preferably with natural light. If additional lighting is necessary, use a desk lamp with a soft, diffused light to avoid glare.

7. Optimize Your Workspace Layout

Keep frequently used objects, like your phone, notebook, or printed materials, within easy reach to minimize excessive stretching or twisting of the neck. An orderly desk can prevent unnecessary movement and positioning that contribute to neck strain.


Setting up an ergonomic workstation is essential in preventing Tech Neck and Text Neck. By adjusting your screen height, using an ergonomic chair, correctly positioning your keyboard and mouse, taking regular breaks, utilizing the Hunched app, ensuring proper lighting, and optimizing your desk layout, you can maintain a healthy posture and keep neck strain at bay. Remember, the key to avoiding neck pain is to adapt your environment to support your body's needs. Your neck will thank you!